Agrh, hadn't even put a word down yet!
Then again, this is quite timely...
Yesterday was a clear example of how
sleep absolutely rules every second of our world.
It was an early start at 6am. Rather
than greeting the little master with a joyful grin and baby talk of
'did you sleep well my little angel??' He was met with cries of
'Noooo, really? Whyyy? Cawffee? Please! Somebody!'.
Note – he did receive the cheesy
grins once the caffeine had hit my bloodstream.
It was Friday and we were off to the
city to get our adult conversation fix with my workmates. A team
lunch where I could catch up on all the goss and handball the little
monster, oh sorry, master, off to his adoring aunts who fuss over his
every move, smile and bottom burps.
It was a 12.30pm start at a fabulous
restaurant on Bourke Street. Lunch selection already pre-ordered, car
park organised, high heels on, ready to rumble.
Easy peasy right?
Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Silent still, too scared to go in and
check in case I rev him up again. Come'on go to sleep..
Oh I can't help myself, in I go.
Asleep, just. Better bang this one out.
I won't bore you with the minute
details of the morning and what really went down from 6.00am –12.30pm in our household.
The result was not only missing lunch
but then abandoning a secondary plan to pop into the restaurant for a
coffee only as we were going to be arriving too late.
This then progressed to skipping the
lunch and the coffee completely and finding myself out the front of
Parliament House rocking the master to sleep in his pram. Without a
workmate or mushroom and ricotta gnocchi in sight. Or a lunchtime
glass of wine for that matter.
On a learning note, amazing what a bit
of sun glare can do to force the eyes to close^. *cough*
The culprit of such a disastrous late
arrival was clear – 50 minutes of fighting his mid morning sleep
then waking up after 15 minutes only to drop off again for a full 45
minutes. Little bugger. Was still asleep when we should have been
perusing the wine menu.
But that's ok (well actually it wasn't
at the time, I'm being nice). Arriving well over an hour late,
dessert being served but with the majority of my team heading back to
the morgue, sorry office, I managed to laugh it off all unbeknown to
the sleeping master in the pram.
“Wha? I've missed lunch? Really? Oh
darn!” *laughs it off, rolls the
eyes* - you know the drill.
So yes, sleep cycles currently rule our
world. For the greater good? In the long term yes. In the short term
when it declares war on mum's adult time – not necessarily.
I did, however, manage to get my office
gossip fix upon walking back to our workplace and his aunts quietly cooed over his beautiful sleeping
face, thumb in his mouth, silent as a mouse sleeping style. He turns
it on when it matters, of course.
All in all, we left happy. Hungry, but
Asleep, still. Keep going little man.
Whilst he is still down, I might start
preparing tonight's dinner. Have a hankering for a mushroom and
ricotta gnocchi....
^Little master's vision not harmed,
simply being facetious..sort of.